Activities: Monkeys in Brownsberg

June 26th 2023 in Explore
Activities: Monkeys in Brownsberg

Monkeys in Brownsberg

The thick canopy of Suriname's Brownsberg Nature Park is the most likely to reveal the faces of its residents—Trek among the 1,500 plant species to find the diversity of primates that call Brownsberg home.

The howler monkeys are the loudest of these. Follow the sound of their bark-like call to the treetops, where red and black howler monkeys swing from the branches.

Grey-winged trumpeters, a long-legged bird that can often be observed striding across the jungle floor humming its song, are another loud species to keep an eye out for. It's one among almost 400 bird species that can be found here.

If the park's animals are shy, the surrounding surroundings will save your day from being a waste. Choose a trail and go to one of the four waterfalls to cool yourself in the spray. Hike up to Marazoni Top for panoramic jungle views and stunning blue lakes.